Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By David
I started recording but a combination of:-<br><br>a) reception<br><br>and<br><br>b) damn gay mini disc recorder<br><br>I have had to stop recording the show.  <br><br>I hope someone is recording and is going to put on mp3 so I can have a copy of the final Saturday show ever.<br><br>David
By Guest
good. i was worried i was liable to being verbally attacked if my minidisc now arsed up. just checked it to make sure everything's ok, which it is. :)
By Guest
i'm going out in about an hour or so i cant do 'em today.  i can have it sorted hopefully by tomorrow or monday. are people really that desparate for it?
By Guest
yeah it'd be nice to have a few for when CMdb is up and running. although that could be some while as dr is having trouble with his computer and i haven't got too much time to be recording to mp3's and editing. but, in a while, when we do it, it'll be pretty wicked. <br><br>btw- if tom's reading this, i can try and be of help sorting out your stuff tomorrow,  if i'm not too ill/hungover/tied down with homework. :)
By David
heh Monkey - the CmDB is supposed to be a secret :D<br><br>I get my new comp next month so I wil get MP3 Radio on it and record every show.<br><br>I have to get a new mini disc player as the one I had broke and the one i was using today (my brothers) is crap.<br><br>David
By the_dr
Basically, its a database of all the Chris Moyles shows we can get our grubby little mits on. I'm sorry I've been teasing this for so long - it was meant to be finished ages ago, but as always - things get delayed. Computer troubles, server troubles, programming troubles and the sheer amount of time it takes to edit 270 hours of Moyles :)<br><br>If you have any shows or are prepared to record for cmdb, then hold ya horses for a while. I want to get the basics set up first, and then hopefully everything else will fall into place. And yes - it is pretty cool, once I've launched it!

Saturday is up