Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By LaaLaa (Guest)
the_dr asked me to pass on this message -<br><br><the_dr> just post on the forum saying 'the_dr' is having computer problems. and ask for somebody (maybe monkey) to record the show - cos i wont be able to. also tell them to keep todays recording.<br><br>he's having problems with his pc<br><br><the_dr> i cant load internet explorer or else my pc crashes<br><the_dr> windows has been playing up on me<br><the_dr> it loads, but when i try to start most programs, it freezes<br><br>i said it sounds like the sircam virus but he says he never downloads dodgy files.<br><br><br>
By Guest
damn. i didn't record today's. i didn't think it was too important in light of everything, and seeing as moyles' links were particularly sombre. tell him i'll start recording for him as soon as the show is back to normal. though i'll definately have saturday's recorded. although, i'm sadly uncertain whether r1/everyone wil be back to normal by then.
By Guest
Is there any true point in reviewing this week's show? Inlight of the horrible events this week, I see no point reviewing the show. Well Moyles has been doing a fine job. He like the rest of us just seems shocked at the cruel act that happened.  :-[
By Ionic_Storm
I wasn't going to review it - I was going to post a message explaining my feelings and opinions on this though.
By Tom_Murphy
guys, this may seem really insensitive, but believe me i'm just as gutted a severyone else about this.<br><br>BUT......we wondered for years what moyles' show would be like in such a time. i reckon it's important to review and record the show even when it's like this, because it will be very interesting to look back on it in the future. even the bare details of a review would be intereting. i'll record the show today and tomorrow.<br><br>p.s. when do you reckon it'll go back to normal - i reckon either saturday or monday. it's going to be so hard for him to go back to normal after the way he's done the show this week. maybe it would have been better to just play music this week, and not speak at all.
By Guest
good point, if you're recording though i wont bother. but i'll have saturday's sorted as i said before. <br><br>chris said today they'll hopefully be back to normal tomorrow if the mood starts to pick up. not that i'm mocking, as it must be * hard to present a show and keep doing small, respectfully sombre links, his voice seems scarily low and he keeps (out of nerves perhaps - though who can blame him) saying "obviously" at the start of each link and over, and over. i do hope it's ok to go back to normal by saturday, but if it's not then i suppose we have to but respect the decision. most tv is relatively back to normal, i think.
By Guest
Ok then if the people want a review of the show even after what has then who am I to argue with the people.
By the_dr
Right, heres the situation:<br><br>I can, just, manage to startup my pc on my old hard drive and thats how I am posting this message. I managed to install Windows on my new hard drive and use it a few days ago - but now it isn't working. The PC doesn't boot from it and it doesn't even register on the startup screen. I have tried every combination of cables/hard drives/cd rom drives to no avail. Any ideas?<br><br>On another note - the show today wasn't as good as I expected - but then I never did like the saturday show. Keep on recording the show, and I will try to be back ASAP.<br><br>Keep on truckin!
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By Matt
I've got a pc case that's a right begger for knackering hard discs. Once you uncrew it, it falls by about 6 inches...used to catch me out every time :)<br><br>Several years, and thousands of bad sectors later I learned :)<br><br>I recommend a motherboard with a built in ide raid controller...shove it in mirror mode...bob's ya uncle. One hard disc fails, just replace it and the system runs from 'tother.<br><br>...and if you're nuking it anyway, put Linux on it :) All you ever seem to do Dan is design websites and chat on IRC :) You'll never have a problem with ode Linux...would you ever get this from windows..."9:04pm up 246 days, 6:41" - bit o' class from my webserver :)<br><br>That's my rant for the evening!<br><br>M<br><br>PS - Like the new forum.
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By Uglybob
u think thats bad im stupider, i switched the switch at the back that changes the voltage from gb to usa and blew the system up. so i had to get a new fan at £50 cos the other one burnt. and no this is true

Saturday is up