The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By sigimck
That marshall mathers song is wonderfully covered by Mr Moyles!!!!!!!!!
By Craggles
Well covered indeed but, will we ever hear the famous cover of ' name is' again when Melindas has his name implanted instead of the boring plain 'what, who etc' bit?
By Lazy_Gimp
Did anyone else read that letter on the sound vault fiasco? I totally agree with you Chris it's completely uncalled for for it to be taken away when it's been here so long.<br>Those BBC people have alot to answer to, esp. considering you promote Moyles independantly. you wud think they wud return the favour and give you some leeway.<br>Down with the institutes!!
By Lara
it is v.v.v.v.funny...BTW the only reason why i wrote this pathetic msg is cos i'm v. bored...u may have guessed...
By Guest
Why's it been removed from the sound vault?<P>Paul.
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By Chris
I was asked to remove it - it'll probably return after a few weeks. If you want it, the best thing to do is to listen to the show and hear it - it's getting pretty regular rotation.
By stevotrash (Guest)
about as funny as a rectal probe. And rectal probes do not result in hilarity. Just ask Scott Mills.

Should be sorted now Thanks Ian , yes all ok no[…]

The show is now being streamed on video on the Glo[…]