The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By four_doctors_fix_my_head
moyles scared me man, why did he do that? i was crying, if moyles ever left i would be left with nothing, he cant ever betray me, the callers cheered me up though, they had to be fixed, 'okay bye' hilerious, painful but at last a moyles show i will always remember, cant wait to the xmas show, i hate xmas, moyles makes it sligtly less annoying.<br>stay safe<br>
By Cuckoo
I dreamt that I was driving around on a four poster bed that then got stolen while I was buying 15p's worth of very expensive sweets. Then my friend and I sat on a wall looking out for my stolen bed which was driving along the beach. THEN two guys came along and started threatening each other with guns, so I fell over the back of a wall to hide, but my friend wouldn't. Finally, they started aiming their guns at me and I got pins & needles in my leg and couldn't move!<P> <IMG SRC="">
By you
i noy weird oi am just drunk is that youic ah? you can go jump you screamer you need to relax and deos youself cox you is patanoid! eh!<br>you listen to me you cheesey ***** ? listen tp what i is saying with my guitar you know it is green and its so ****ing green im laughing at you! heheheh get back bitch i gotta vleab my rats and i say what are you dong to them and they is listent to tha radio! what the hell, i is finfing that david says why i says hey you sayd redaio radio radio i is drinknig wit that! hey? you jknow itrs it true heu! its too green i cant belive its is so green why is it not red i say?

Saturday is up