The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Cornish_Tw@
I have a dream about Anne Robinson. I dream me and Anne spend a night of passionate love making and at the end of it she gives me the Watchdog seal of approval.<br>Also Moyles should bring back Our Tone as I have a sad story to send him concerning my girl friend being savagely attacked by a bunch of chimps filming a PG Tips advert down the road. She hasn't been able to look at a kettle since. (or an Ulster Fry for that matter)<P>
By Lazy_Gimp
U wanna watch better T.v wiv sexier people on it mate, then it wont be such a bad thing!<br>All I have to do is watch my Stereophonics video and Kelly Jones here I come! (quite literally!! (sorry!))

Saturday is up