The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
neilt0 wrote:Great interview!

One big takeaway: [spoiler]Chris does in fact have a gf.[/spoiler]

He alluded to that in the interview when he launched the new show but appears to have claimed to be single ever since. From what he has said here and on air I think he is trying to keep his on air persona and real life quite separate as it sounds like his R1 days consumed him.

I also assume his comments re Dave mean that he hasn't spoken to him since the final R1 show.

Good, fair interview which is then just filled with hate in the comments! I started listening to moyles when he did the breakfast show and I never quite understood all the hate he gets. I can believe he was worse on his afternoon show when younger but he has clearly mellowed over the years.
Yup, great interview! The whole Dave thing, though... I couldn't help but feel very sad when reading that part. They have been friends for so long, so the... final goodbye... must have felt absolutely horrible. Speaking of negativity, I also don't get where it all is coming from. I think he rarely says things to genuinely upset people. Usually it's just for a laugh. I wish people would just stop taking simple jokes so seriously. Oh, and I am very glad that he has a girlfriend. It's always great to feel you're not alone, even if the person is not necessarily with you :)
welshblob wrote:
Good, fair interview which is then just filled with hate in the comments! I started listening to moyles when he did the breakfast show and I never quite understood all the hate he gets. I can believe he was worse on his afternoon show when younger but he has clearly mellowed over the years.

I also thought it was a decent interview. Good lord - the level of vitriol in some of those comments. Pretty amazing.

Saturday is up