The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
watching jonathan ross saturday. I missed fridays show. One of the best things i've heard is that chris moyles on the competitions. Ross asked with the compertitions. And chris said that none of his were rigged. And he said never. Lets go back in history here. It's fun. But they were.
True or false. He said it was rigged and no one would win.
Cpc. When we had the celebraty one. The final one with longman and sophie. Obviously. Longman lost and it because chris made sophie win.
Also on cpc. Whenever chris liked a female contestant. Did he not always make sure she won. Weather he told the male too shut up or made it role over too the next day. Or made it best of 3 too best of 5.
Ok. It's funny. And we as a audience enjoyed it. But doesn't this count as fixing contests.

Any views.

Saturday is up