The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Riffingit wrote:The music on the show does seems to vary between "I haven't heard this for ages!" songs and the latest tedious efforts from Florence and the Stereophonics.

I feel as if there's too much music on the show as there is, but I'm probably not part of the audience they care about for that opinion.

I wouldn't necessarily say there's too much music, but I do agree about the variety. Eg this morning when they played the Chili Peppers' Give It Away - they can obviously include 90s alt/indie in their playlist, so why are we not hearing the Pixies, Dinosaur Jr, L7 etc? There is SO much more out there they could be including, and more female artists from that era too (which makes me sad but that's not RX's fault).
chrysostom wrote:Hah, not surprising though. Most likely a punt, he would be mad to leave the BBC given his epic rise through the ranks, but it would be a massive snub to Moyles' respect for Aled if he didn't offer him a role in the show. I believe he would have taken any of his old show members if they would come - Aled could one day be on a big boss Ben level at the BBC, taking that gamble wouldn't suit his career. It's the equivalent of offering the last biscuit to someone and them saying 'it's ok, you have it'.

If anything Moyles admitting that is a move that compliments Aled in showing his loyalty to the BBC in my opinion.

I was literally just wondering this week of Aled would ever become controller or radio one!
At the moment using a social media channel's native video platform is the biggest push as they're trying to get people used to the idea of video advertising being introduced, so they'll be pushing that a lot more than YouTube (mainly as the FB/Twitter ads are autoplay so generate a much larger reach). Presumably as a way to sell sponsorship on the videos.
chrysostom wrote:Hah, not surprising though. Most likely a punt, he would be mad to leave the BBC given his epic rise through the ranks, but it would be a massive snub to Moyles' respect for Aled if he didn't offer him a role in the show. I believe he would have taken any of his old show members if they would come - Aled could one day be on a big boss Ben level at the BBC, taking that gamble wouldn't suit his career. It's the equivalent of offering the last biscuit to someone and them saying 'it's ok, you have it'.

If anything Moyles admitting that is a move that compliments Aled in showing his loyalty to the BBC in my opinion.

Oh absolutely. He was saying he still sees Aled as lot and they are still friends etc. I agree with you that Aled did the right thing.
chrysostom wrote:At the moment using a social media channel's native video platform is the biggest push as they're trying to get people used to the idea of video advertising being introduced, so they'll be pushing that a lot more than YouTube (mainly as the FB/Twitter ads are autoplay so generate a much larger reach). Presumably as a way to sell sponsorship on the videos.

I don't know what this means. Every video should be on YouTube also.
With the number of views and the demographics, they could generate solid ad revenue.
Radio people don't seem to get new media. Their podcast RSS feed address is bonkers and they censor the podcast aimed at 25-44 year old men.
chrysostom wrote:Also, in reading about Nuclear crisis I discovered that one of the signs that the country could not be functioning (i.e. cause to go on nuclear alert) is the requirement of Radio 4 to be broadcasting. In 2004 Radio 4 went off the air for 15 minutes and we went on nuclear alert, the trident subs were mobilised.

Hang on... what? If Radio 4 goes off air, someone cracks out a four plug adapter socket and powers up the nuclear subs? That can't be right surely - I've misdeed something.
Dave in Philadelphia wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:
rocka23 wrote:One more team member is needed for me, maybe somebody completely new to our ears.

Yeah, this for me too.

Me three.


bwfcol wrote:The Ban Ki Moon link was the funniest thing the show has been so far, had me chuckling in the park

I've caught myself grinning like an imbecile in various inappropriate circumstances over that last fortnight. It's been a long time since I've done that and it's been missed.
foot-loose wrote:
chrysostom wrote:Also, in reading about Nuclear crisis I discovered that one of the signs that the country could not be functioning (i.e. cause to go on nuclear alert) is the requirement of Radio 4 to be broadcasting. In 2004 Radio 4 went off the air for 15 minutes and we went on nuclear alert, the trident subs were mobilised.

Hang on... what? If Radio 4 goes off air, someone cracks out a four plug adapter socket and powers up the nuclear subs? That can't be right surely - I've misdeed something.

I think you've missed the fact that the R4 broadcasting requirement isn't the ONLY test to whether the country has been obliterated or not. It'll be one of many, many tests, the vast majority of which we'll never know about.
foot-loose wrote:
chrysostom wrote:Also, in reading about Nuclear crisis I discovered that one of the signs that the country could not be functioning (i.e. cause to go on nuclear alert) is the requirement of Radio 4 to be broadcasting. In 2004 Radio 4 went off the air for 15 minutes and we went on nuclear alert, the trident subs were mobilised.

Hang on... what? If Radio 4 goes off air, someone cracks out a four plug adapter socket and powers up the nuclear subs? That can't be right surely - I've misdeed something.

Mr Red commented to me this morning that he thinks 'Madam' Dave doesn't like Chris. When Chris claimed to have Dave's mum on the line and Dave said "I really thought she was going to be on the line then", Mr Red said that he thought Dave didn't sound like he was happy about it at all, and that he generally sounds like he's only participating in on-air conversations under protest. I knew what he meant, but I said that as the other three are all from R1 and make references to the old show that Dave probably won't get, it's understandable that he's a bit quieter and finding it more difficult to get involved. What do other people think?
To be honest I really haven't registered Madam's voice yet. So my brain just filters him out for now, and sticks to the distinctive voices it knows. Pippa's voice is obviously feminine so I recognise that one. Don't know much about Madam yet and it would be good to have a bit of background info on him and how he managed to be in the position he is. He seems to be enjoying himself. We musntn't underestimate what it must be like being in that studio environment, it must do wonders for your confidence being a sidekick. Piping up from time to time, being part of a very finely oiled wheel from the R1 years. Terrifying but exciting all the same, I'll bet. Although I say that as a fan of the show.
I don't think madam Dave has a problem with Chris.
He's been a bit more involved this week, and plenty of times he seemed to be enjoying it.
He may have thought that Chris was going too far by having his Mum on the phone (or so he thought), but other than that he seems fine.

As the Chris Tarrant interview proved, without seeing the visual facial reactions, it's easy to get it wrong.
Someone sounds like a dick, when they're actually playing along laughing when you see the video.

And as has already been said, he's sort of the new boy, because the others have all worked together before, and know each other very well.
He probably doesn't want to come across as too "try hard", because who likes that kid, eh?

I'm sure he knew what he was signing up for, and a year from now we'll a different side to him.

Unless.....his job is temporary because Dave (Vitty) couldn't start for a few months because of other obligations, and so doesn't see the point in getting too attached!
But that's another story. ;)
(Remember you heard it here first!)

This is one of the problems with this, Madam Dave is actually more an Aled from when it was Rachel(Pippa) and Aled(Madam) producing the show.

Comedy Dave's role of making content for features and coming up with ideas is, for the time being, left to Chris and Dom.

So with all this in mind I think Madam is settling nicely and as others have said radio can be a little difficult for tone of conversations. Remember the amount of "anti gay Chris" stories taken from Aled conversations being taken out of context. The producers are a guide for Chris, he loves to push as far as they allow but appreciates them bringing him back I think, just an opinion.

He is trying at the moment to drag Dom as the sidekick but he clearly isn't as close to Chris as Comedy Dave once was so is coming over more of a punch bag than a sidekick as much as I love him.

It all comes back to one more team member needed..........
I would think they would only get one more person on board if the Rajar numbers are favourable in early 2016; which would give them potential to get a few more quid out of advertisers.

3 months would also be a notice period for someone in a exec position; for instance director of a production company........(really over the top wishful thinking !!)
That's pretty much what I said... except I was doing a Badger (i.e., posting it in gif form - I wasn't actually doing a badger, that would be wrong).
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