The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
It amuses me when people bash Chris on Twitter. Pretty much within seconds the person bashing Chris will be pounced upon by a pack of Moyles fans and beaten into submission. I gave "TV Critic" Ian Hyland a piece of my mind earlier, made me feel much better.
I hope he continues on the radio somewhere - my selfish hope is his constant visiting of New York means he lands with Sirius so i can get to listen to them every day in my car. Sirus listeners had to go through last year and it sucks.

Good luck Mr Moyles - get back on the air with someone soon (that we can get on the internet in the US!)
Boroboy wrote:GUTTED - :(
I hope he continues on the radio somewhere - my selfish hope is his constant visiting of New York means he lands with Sirius so i can get to listen to them every day in my car. Sirus listeners had to go through last year and it sucks.

Good luck Mr Moyles - get back on the air with someone soon (that we can get on the internet in the US!)

Sirius pay * all -- apart from to Howard Stern. I know about a couple of hosts who have negotiated deals with Sirius and they have no money to pay anyone after Stern. The salaries offered were a joke. Chris would be better off doing podcasts if he doesn't end up in another terrestrial radio gig.
I wrongly assumed we had more time left of the show given the news last year on Chris' golden handcuffs contract. Kinda gutting that it's only a matter of weeks. I've not been a listener as long as some people on this forum but I'm so glad I found the show (and this forum), because it's been a huge part of my daily life.
I feel blue. I hope they have a 3 month rest (they being Chris, Dave and Dom) and come back better than ever in 2013.

No Tina, no Rhys, no forced corperate plugs. Just 3 friends having a laugh and playing stupid games. I don't know where or when, but the thought of this is all that's getting me through today.
Emmy wrote:Dave was supposed to be doing the moan-in on Bacon's show today but Richard has just said that he's pulled out, and that he 'can't imagine why'. But am I alone in thinking it's a bit odd, why would Dave have agreed to do the slot today (he only does it occasionally) if he knew this announcement was coming this morning? Then again, I don't really understand why he wouldn't want to do it just because of the announcement anyway. They are going to be discussing the show's departure on Bacon's show today if anyone's interested in tuning in.

Given that there were no leaks before the announcement and people like Fearnage didn't know about it at all, I'm guessing Big Boss Whoever-it-is-this-week must have told Chris very recently (Friday?) and Chris had only shared the news with his team and no-one else before the announcement.
Martyn B wrote:^ Why rush? Its not like they're going anywhere, is it?

Because like I said, I already have 2010, 2011 and 2012 so far. I already planned on downloading the rest but now it seems more important to have them downloaded due to todays announcement.
Reading this thread after reading the scores of comments on internet forums and responses to articles about Chris' announcement really hammers home how far detached from reality most of the posters on this site are. The vast majority of posts out there on the interweb talk about how they're glad he's going with a few acknowledging his service to the Beeb but there's no massive outpouring of grief. Ok, the show's coming to end, it's an end of an era, things will never be the same again, blah blah blah, but some of you are talking like he's died.

It's a breakfast radio show, something the majority listen to for maybe an hour a day, possibly more. Sad times and all that but all this, "OMG I don't know how I'll cope" nonsense is really quite bizarre.
LordMonkcheese wrote:Reading this thread after reading the scores of comments on internet forums and responses to articles about Chris' announcement really hammers home how far detached from reality most of the posters on this site are. The vast majority of posts out there on the interweb talk about how they're glad he's going with a few acknowledging his service to the Beeb but there's no massive outpouring of grief. Ok, the show's coming to end, it's an end of an era, things will never be the same again, blah blah blah, but some of you are talking like he's died.

It's a breakfast radio show, something the majority listen to for maybe an hour a day, possibly more. Sad times and all that but all this, "OMG I don't know how I'll cope" nonsense is really quite bizarre.

I don't think you understand what a fansite is.
LordMonkcheese wrote:Reading this thread after reading the scores of comments on internet forums and responses to articles about Chris' announcement really hammers home how far detached from reality most of the posters on this site are. The vast majority of posts out there on the interweb talk about how they're glad he's going with a few acknowledging his service to the Beeb but there's no massive outpouring of grief. Ok, the show's coming to end, it's an end of an era, things will never be the same again, blah blah blah, but some of you are talking like he's died.

It's a breakfast radio show, something the majority listen to for maybe an hour a day, possibly more. Sad times and all that but all this, "OMG I don't know how I'll cope" nonsense is really quite bizarre.

I'm so tremendously happy for you that you have such a remarkable grip on reality. You're right of course, something that has been part of my life every weekday morning for 5 years is coming to an end. Why would I feel deflated. Thank you for making me realise what a fool I've been.
LordMonkcheese wrote:It's a breakfast radio show, something the majority listen to for maybe an hour a day, possibly more. Sad times and all that but all this, "OMG I don't know how I'll cope" nonsense is really quite bizarre.

We're aware of this. But my mornings revolve around the show and whilst I will cope, I'm very sad. I have some perspective and I know that nobody has died - but I'm still gutted. And whilst I haven't cried yet, I'm sure I will at some point. You're entitled to your own reaction - don't disparage others for theirs.
LordMonkcheese wrote: it's an end of an era,

"OMG I don't know how I'll cope" nonsense is really quite bizarre.

Odd. You highlight the biggest reason for an outcry, then question it? Completely forgetting - who are you to tell us how to feel about a subject?!!!

No offence, but maybe todays not the best day to hang around being a bellend. So you won't miss it; Good for you, now do1.
A very sad day, but me that has been coming for a while. I'm glad it was Chris that announced it, and not the media.

Nothing else to say but thank you to the team for the laughs, trucking in the morning hours won't be the same.

Five live here I come
Martyn B wrote:^^^^ I guess you haven't been a listener for as long as most people on here then? Whilst on the outside, it is just a radio show, but deep down it is much more than that, its a part of peoples lives.

That's where you're wrong. I started listening from the afternoon show days. Viaduct was one of my favourite features. I've downloaded all the podcasts from around 2009 (thanks to this site) and have been listening to them every evening on the drive home while Scott Mills hosted the drivetime slot. I've since stopped now Greg's taken over but will recommence once Nick Grimshaw takes the reins of the breakfast show.

So I'm a fan of the show and have been for years, but the show was getting tired, there seemed to be a lack of interest in it from Chris, Dave Vitty was getting even less funny (if that's at all possible!!) and, in my opinion at least, it was time to retire it. It had to come to an end sometime so why not now when it's at least still a good show attracting millions of listeners rather than in a few years when senior management had ensured all the creativity was driven out of the show and it was nothing more that a formulaic, generic, music show with the occasional chat and from time to time, a feature.

I get that this is a fan site but some of the messages on here seem rather exaggerated almost as if people are trying to outdo one another with how big a whole in their lives his departure will create.
Nicola_Red wrote:We're aware of this. But my mornings revolve around the show and whilst I will cope, I'm very sad. I have some perspective and I know that nobody has died - but I'm still gutted. And whilst I haven't cried yet, I'm sure I will at some point. You're entitled to your own reaction - don't disparage others for theirs.

No-one has died, but this is more like a break-up or divorce, except it's SIX friends we're losing, maybe to never hear from again. Six friends who we laughed with every day for years. It's bound to be accompanied with some grief. Here's where I am with it right now:

neilt0 wrote:No-one has died, but this is more like a break-up or divorce, except it's SIX friends we're losing, maybe to never hear from again. Six friends who we laughed with every day for years. It's bound to be accompanied with some grief. Here's where I am with it right now:


I think I'm still in shock and denial.
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]