The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Guest
Can I smack you?<P>Ta! <P>And have some more, one from everyone from the group.  Why do you insist on repeating everything that has been said on each show?  You've ruined the suprise for some people.  Shut your f*cking face.  GRRRRRRRRRR.
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By Roddy
yep, i agree, i couldn't listen to it, so sigimck has ruined it for me<br>nice one mate(!)  <IMG SRC="">
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By Roddy
PS... i don't think anyone cares about my band,"Armchair Perverts," cheers Lozza!!<br>but the drummer left cos he's a moron, but fear not, we could be getting a new one!  <IMG SRC="">
Did anyone here the x-mas day<br>show?<br>was it any good?<br>let me know thanx
By Guess
It was a wee bit lame to be honest. The interviews were quite funny (they're on the Radio 1 website) and the opener was brilliant, but apart from that it was too much music and not enough Moyles.
By me@here.
But they couldn't do anything really topical, cause it was pre-recorded about a week before (i think)
By Guess
True. But they admitted that fact beforehand and it was a running joke throughout the show, so it's not as if they tried to hide it. Still, I think that prerecording puts a limit on things regardless. Kind of expected more from the chubster given his sense of humour. ;-)
By Podey
I enjoyed it!<P>There were some dull bits but also some funny bits - like "i wonder how many women got a dido album for christmas" and then daves joke about it was good
By Guest
I missed the first 45 minutes but what I did hear was wicked.  I thought the Mel B and Neil Morrisey interviews were fantastic.  They did seem to play alot of music though.  

Saturday is up