The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Hello Moyles Fans,<P>Names John Bowman I am 21 and trying to get into Radio Presnting. Oh well nuff of that last week I went to TFI Friday which was, well shall we say "different"!.  After the show I went accross the road to the pub(of course), within minutes of being walked Toploader which I spent the whole night getting drunk with, it was great they were a good bunch of lads and I wish them all the best with there latest album!!<P>Anyways later on that Night I nearly got arrested in McDonalds by a rather lairy policeman, but if you wanna hear about that story?, then you will just have to tune back into the site tommorrow!!!<P>Laters and Stay CRAZY all you all...<P>John
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By Chris
If you really want to get into radio presenting then the place to start isn't Radio One - it's (sad as it may appear) local radio (be it BBC, or commercial). Be prepared for a long slog unless you're outstanding. Local commercial radio presenters get paid peanuts.<P>Did I ever mention to anyone that I used to work on my local BBC radio station :-) ?
By Guest
And being 21 you probably won't get there radio 1 age, so aim for 2. or 4.

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