The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Steph
Yes it does.  Im not happy though as I now am not only going to miss all of Mark and Lard but also an hour of Chris cause I dont finish college till 4
By steve
It will be good I reckon as long as Moyles and the team come up with some new features -they are seriously lacking any good features at the moment. The Not isn't great and that dick cheese thing stopped being funny quite a while ago. I guess it will probably mean that Moyles won't be on on Saturdays any more as he'll have quite a long weekday show, but we'll see...<P>I actually thought Simon Mayo was good, I hope they still have the mystery years from 9-10, but they probably won't - it'll just be Sarah Cox rambling on about nothing for an extra hour...oh well
I Don't know how they will do the new format<br>Sara Cox is already on for too long as it is. Moyles does need new features, the Not has never been funny, niether had Dick Cheese. I say bring back viaduct
By Lara
it makes no difference to me...i only get to hear it after it'll be worse in a way cos i'll just feel annoyed that i'm missing the show...argh!
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By Roddy
has anyone ever heard song by Scatman John or North and South on the Mystery years?<br>i used to listen to it, living in hope <br> <IMG SRC="">  <IMG SRC=""><br>
By Subsonic0
Why couldnt they extend the show to 6:45 instead of starting it an hour early? I finish work at 5 so Im still going to miss Moyles. It doesnt make sense. they dont seem to think about the people who CAN'T listen to radios at work   <IMG SRC="">(
By Lazy_Gimp
Yeah! Sara Cox should be shot! I cant even bear to listen to that nails down a chalkboard voice in the morning. She is soo unfunny yet absolutely loves herself! I didn't think that Zoe Ball was that good but compared to Sara she's up there wiv Moyles!!<br>8)
By Lara
sara cox's voice is soooo irritating and she thinks she is so funny when really she is as funny as piles.  she just gets on my nerves...i reckon most of u agree...
By whitevanman
Do listen to Moyles, can't do with Mayo, or Jo Whilly (however its spelt) and the constant repetative humour of mark and lard wore thin with me, so I had to move to "tin pot local radio". Has Jo left yet, or am i living in hope? dare I listen to the rest of the day on radio 1. I'm afraid to say Steve Right is a good alternative to Mark and Lard on RADIO 2, god help me!!!
By steve
I think Jo Whiley and Mark and Lard are ok, both infinately better than local radio - I'd rather have nothing on at all than local radio, the adverts just annoy me so much, the only music they play is cheese, and the DJs are really boring
By jaffa
Jo Whiley is boring! M & L can b funny, Sara Cox is an idiot and she was crap on TFI.

Saturday is up